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Best Healthy Foods to Gain Weight

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Drinking milk is a great way to add protein to your diet. It contains both casein and whey proteins.



Rice is a great source of carbs that are easy to consume and digest.

Nuts and nut butters

Nuts and nut butters are delicious, high calorie treats. They’re great for you and easy to add to many different snacks or recipes.

Red meat

Red meat is an excellent source of protein that will help you gain muscle. It contains leucine, an amino acid that helps stimulate muscle protein synthesis. The fattier the meat, the more calories you’ll take in.

Potatoes and starches

Healthy starches are a great way to get important nutrients and fiber, boost your calorie intake, and increase your muscle glycogen stores.

Salmon and oily fish

Salmon and other oily fish are a great source of incredibly healthy omega-3 fats. They also provide high quality protein to help you build muscle.

Dried fruit

Dried fruit is packed with calories, healthy fiber, and antioxidants. It’s an easy way to add nutrients and calories to your diet.

Whole grain bread

Whole grain breads can be effective in gaining weight, especially when combined with a good protein source.


Avocados are full of healthy fats and nutrients. They’re versatile and can be added to many different meals or eaten on their own.

Healthy Cereals

Eating cereal can be a great way to gain weight and consume more fiber. However, stick to healthier forms such as oatmeal.

Cereal bars

Stick to cereal bars that have whole grains and other healthy ingredients, such as dried fruit and nuts.

